16 мая, 15:10


1.RESPECT YOUR TIME : The only way to experience more is to push yourself to do more. Because only 20% of your time, dedicated to the day-to-day activities, yield lasting results that could influence the quality of your life.You have to have the courage to say “no”.

Start small. By showing how much you value your time, others will learn to recognize it and as a consequence, respect you for it.

2. FIND OUT THE PURPOSE OF LIFE : Imagine discovering a map that leads you directly to a treasure chest.That’s how exciting it would be when you discover your life’s purpose. So here are action steps from the Sages of Sivana to ensure your goal is as attainable as you believe it to be:

3. DO THE THINGS YOU FEAR MOST : Do the things you fear, because you’re building the foundation of success and leadership within yourself. Leading yourself first gives others the vote of confidence that you’re capable of leading them too.The lesson from the monk is that success on the outside begins within. When you identify the things that are holding you back, you should face them. So act with the integrity and be guided by your heart.

4. ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS OF LIFE : You don’t need too many material possessions for you to enjoy life. In the book, talks about Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer who sold his material possessions when he discovered that he could enjoy life by meditating on the beauty of the little things of life such as a spider’s web and flowers. For achieving the success we don,t care about the little things , that provide us happiness. Person just focus on big achievement , not small . If person cant enjoy on little things, he will also not enjoy when he achieve the big.

5. LIVE WITH DISCIPLINE : We’re all the more tempted and distracted today by the noises our devices make and the people we interact with on a daily basis. It takes courage to nurture self-discipline because it’s not easy. But once you give yourself the power to be more than your environment, you’ll ultimately win and unshackle yourself from a mental prison.

6. CULTIVATE YOUR MIND : The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.Ironically, under the grand laws of nature, our mind can only hold one thought at a time. By making negative thoughts your focus, you’ll embody it, or worst, manifest it. This mentality will only hinder your personal growth.Mastering your mind means seeing setbacks as opportunities. By envisioning your dreams, you give your mind the power to cultivate it and make it a reality.So occupy your mind with uplifting thoughts.

7. YOUR OUTER LIFE IMPROVES IF YOU BUILD YOUR INNER WORLD : Working on factors such as discipline and optimism enables you to achieve whatever you want. Besides this, building your inner world through the cultivation of faith, a strong spirit, and self-mastery makes you unstoppable in your outer world. That being said, you must focus on building a strong character because doing so will enable you to easily succeed in your outer world. Always listen good things, watch good stuff , spend your time with good person.

8. PRACTICE DAILY ACT OF KINDNESS : Expressing gratitude daily plants the seed within yourself that each day is sacred. The richer the relationship you build around you, the more abundance comes your way. Giving more to life and to your community is a paradigm-shifting perspective from the “self” mentality of survival of the fittest.Practicing gratitude and dedicating time to the act of giving, can help you find your purpose in the world.

9. WRITING DOWN YOUR GOAL : The art of goal setting doesn’t make sense to everyone and for good reason. when we write our goals down and then constantly look at them, we subconsciously tell our brain to red flag any thought that comes into our mind, which relates to one of our goals.Goals allow your mind to place an importance indicator on every thought you have, from important to least important.Goals are really just focusing your thoughts on the things you want and discarding everything else — groundbreaking!

10. EMBRACE THE PRESENT : We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.We live in a fast-paced world, where we all wear the busy badge. However, it’s important to live like a child and embrace the joys of the moment.While you have dreams and ambitions, celebrate the journey that will take you there. Love the tiny successes and the failures along the way. Practice gratitude and stop putting off your happiness for the sake of achievement.

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